Saturday, May 12, 2012

Who are the poor?

Proverbs 19:17 says this, "He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done." 

Poor...Webster's dictionary #1 definition "Destitute of property; wanting of material riches or goods; needy; indigent"  How about #4 "Worthy of pity or sympathy"

How would you define poor? Dirty, useless, lazy, maybe even a specific race _____, you fill in the blank.  Sounds harsh, I know, but if you're honest you've probably used one of these adjectives to describe someone who is poor. 

What happened to me today will forever change the way I think of these people.

My husband is such a rock star.  For an early mother's day gift, he was going to allow me some time to go clothes shopping for some cute summer stuff!  Alone!  All of those mommas out there know how cherished shopping time alone is.  : )  I didn't buy many summer outfits last year because I still felt half pregnant.  Haha!  That's the reality of having a baby.  Sorry, to all of you non-moms out there that think you're gonna have your body back two weeks postpartum.  Hello...reality check!  Anyway, this shopping trip was, according to me, much needed.

I decided that I would start out by going to the Maurices in Platteville.  For those of you who have been there you know that the turn going into that plaza is a pretty busy place!  Well, as I turned that corner I saw a large older gentleman holding a sign that said, "Homeless.  Anything helps."  What!  A homeless man in Platteville!  Are you kidding me!?!?!?!  If I am honest, those were my first thoughts.  I really didn't think there were homeless people there.  Anyway, I tried to turn the corner without making eye contact with him.  After all, I don't owe him anything.  He probably did something to make himself homeless anyway, right?

I pulled into Maurices and parked my car.  Before I opened my door, I had this overwhelming feeling come over me that said, "Why the heck are you still going to go waste your money on clothes you don't really need when there is a homeless man sitting within walking distance of you?"  So, I sat there in my car alone for awhile.  I don't know why, but I decided to drive my car a little closer to the man.  I mean, just because I parked closer to him didn't mean that I needed to get out and help him.  Well, there I was about fifty feet away from this man.  My heart was pounding out of my chest because I knew I needed to do something, but I didn't know what.  All the sudden a song came on the radio by Jeremy Camp.  Ever heard of "Give Me Jesus"?  Listen to it! 

That was enough confirmation for me to get out of the car.  At first I thought I should give him the money I was going to spend on clothes, but after hearing that song, I knew all I needed to give him was Jesus.  Well, I got out of that car and walked over to him.  He looked pretty surprised to see someone approaching him.  This is how the conversation went.  Me, "Hey!"  Him, "Hi."  Me, "You know, I don't know if you have a way to get to Dubuque, but if you can find one, there is a shelter for men there.  It's run by a church."  Him, "Ok, thank you."  I smiled and walked away, and as I walked away I heard this "God bless you."  God bless me?  God bless me!?!?!?!  No, not God bless me, God bless him.  He gave me the biggest reality check that I ever could have been given.  Here I am wasting away money on things, things I don't really need just because I feel like it!

Maybe this whole scene feels very simple to you, but it was one of the most impactful things that has happened to me in a long time.  It made me re-evaluate some things about myself.  I don't really see myself as much of a "thing" person, but maybe I am.  Maybe things do make me happy.  Shouldn't Jesus be enough? 

After that, I drove home.  I came home with empty hands, but a full heart.  A lesson learned from someone that I thought would be the last person on earth to teach me one. 

Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! And great pictures of your kids, they are so fun! Oh, and I totally remember Showbiz pizza :)
