Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Journey Continues...

I think when I started this blog I had good intentions of making it all about my kids and the funny things that happen to us throughout a typical day.  To my surprise, this blog morphed into something more like a faith faith journey.  I hope you take so much more away from this than you would have from a blog about our kiddos.

It's hard to believe, but this picture was taken one year ago today.  Every time I look at it it stirs up one of the most precious memories to me ever.  I think if you took off those big old sunglasses (which just so happen to be my favorite), you would definitely see some tear streaked cheeks.  I think this particular Sunday will be forever engrained as one of the most powerful days of my adult life thus far. 

I know several of you have read about my trip to California, and how I felt God literally swept me up and changed the direction of my life, so I won't waste your time rewriting that story.  Besides, you can just go back to the old blogs and read about it.  : )  What I do want to share is one particular detail of that day.  It was just the fact that I walked into that church not really knowing what to expect, and I was completely taken over.  If you are a music person like myself, you never forget what song was playing when _____ (fill in the blank).  Ya know what I mean?  I remember walking into church and the song Forever Reign was being performed.  When I say the word performed, I really mean it.  It wasn't just a song sung because.  It was a worship team playing this song with every ounce of their being.  It was a song that was performed for Jesus.  If you have never heard it, you need to.  Isn't that just one of the most powerful songs ever?  When I wrote about the tear streaked cheeks, this song would be what started that.  It was a good thing.  It was the beginning of a powerful journey that I am so thankful to be on.

The one year anniversary of that day found itself being celebrated with the opportunity to play worship music myself.  Doesn't God have the funniest sense of humor?  I had no clue what I would be doing today, but He did.  When that revelation came to me that I would be playing on that very same day, I was so overcome with emotion.  I was literally getting ready for work, trying to put my make-up on, but that wasn't gonna happen because my eyes literally filled with tears.  I know, I'm such a sap, but I couldn't help it because to me that was God's way of showing me how much He loved me.  He knows exactly what brings me the greatest joy. 

I know this particular story was mine, but really, it applies to everyone.  When we pick up our cross and follow Him, so many things that we thought were impossible become possible.  So many dreams that we thought were lost become reality. 

I pray that this Sunday was a blessing to you, that wherever you choose to worship you feel nourished, that the music and message would just permeate your soul.

This is one of the last pictures that I took while I was in California.  It reminds me of something I read once that made so much sense...

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.  -C.S. Lewis

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