Well, the year started out with us having a five month old...
a two year old...
a four year old...
and an eleven year old...
I think for those of you who know us well, you would probably say that these pictures are an accurate representation of our kiddos. Let me tell ya, these kids are something else. They are always good for comedic relief. By the end of 2011 our kids morphed into something more like this...
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Nevermind the person wearing the crazy glasses in this picture. I was trying to show you a newer picture of Isaac. I don't even know who that weirdo is anyway! |
Our children certainly grew over the last twelve months, huh? Actually, I think we all had our own period of growth over the last year. Experts will tell you that a human being learns the most between birth and five years of age. I think I may be a rare exception to that statement. I think 2011 was a year of learning for me. I learned some great lessons in some strange ways. I think God can use anything He wants to communicate with us. I learned great things through teachings at church, music, other people, even fortune cookies believe it or not! I would like to share with you the best things I learned in 2011.
- Sometimes one must step out and become uncomfortable to reach their greatest potential.
- You must listen to that little voice. I call it God, others may call it their conscience. Either way, listen to it. I've found that it is always pointing me in the right direction.
- Whatever it is that you do, do it your best even if you don't feel like it.
- People are starving for love. Give it to them.
- Give, give, give. Whether that be your tithe, your talents, your time. Whatever it may be, give. You always get more in return. I promise you that!
- We Were Meant To Be Courageous! (Thank you Casting Crowns and Courageous movie) If you haven't watched it. DO IT!
- There is no need to find significance in material things because God already gave you everything.
- Women see the world through pink colored glasses, men through blue, but together they see the world in purple. (Found in the book Love and Respect. If you are married or plan to be and have not read it, do it. Thank you dear Melissa for telling me about this.)
- You will not be able to save every lost person you meet. You won't be able to bring everyone from A to Z, but maybe you can accomplish A to F, and that's ok. Something or someone else will bring them the rest of the way, but they will look back and remember that you planted the seed.
- If you want the rainbow, you have to tolerate the rain. (Found in a fortune cookie, and the flip side of the cookie taught me how to say husband in Chinese. Interpret this how you want.)
Dear ones, thank you so much for being part of our lives in 2011. I really can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for us. Hopefully we'll learn even more, serve even more, pray even more, love even more, and maybe through all of this we will be able to change some lives in the way that we were changed. Love to you all.