Well, as most of you already know, we have a lot of birthdays right in a row at our house. August 21, September 17, October 26, and November 10 to be exact. Those events lead to our house being extra busy...as if it isn't busy enough already.
This year Caleb's birthday fell on a Saturday, so we were able to have his party on his actual birthday. I always like when that happens. Caleb had a Toy Story themed party. That was a fun idea. Here is a picture of the Toy Story cake I made Caleb.
We were going to buy Caleb Sheriff Woody, but instead I found the whole set of Toy Story characters at Target. That was my inspiration for the cake. We actually had all of the characters set up on the table. You know what's funny? They had Lotso Huggin' Bear in the set, but not Bullseye. Who wants Lotso? He's scary. Anyway, that was my only complaint about the whole thing. Oh, and Buzz doesn't have a helmet. That's a problem too.
It's really hard to believe that Caleb is five already and in school. It seems like just yesterday he was born. Here's a picture of the day our family went from three to four.
I love this picture. This was such a sweet moment. Isaac became a big brother that day! Doesn't he look so proud in this picture?
Oddly enough, on Sunday, the day after Caleb's birthday party, I found an old appointment reminder card from Medical Associates. It was in a maternity coat that I was pulling out to donate. The funny thing is, the date on it was Sept. 15, 2006. That was the very last appointment I had with my o.b. before I had Caleb. Seeing that card kind of made me think about all of the lessons I have learned as a mother since his birth. For me, the change from one child to two was much more difficult than from two to three and three to four. Does that make sense? I'd like to share with you some of the more important lessons that I learned those first couple years with just two children.
Don't cry over spilled milk! For real! I mean this literally too. This is like a weekly occurrence in our house. I used to get all worked up over this, and sometimes when I'm really busy I still do, but honestly, don't! It's just an accident, and you can clean it up quickly and move on. Yelling at your kids for the little messes that they make just makes them feel bad. Nothing makes me feel worse than unintentionally breaking one of my kid's hearts.
Pick your battles. There is not enough time in a day to pick on every little thing that your child doesn't do perfectly. I used to obsess over the towels being folded and put away in neat little piles. I even used to refold towels that weren't up to my standard of towel folding. Now, as long as the towels are put away that's good enough. If you make your child think that everything that they do for you isn't up to par, they will stop wanting to help you. In a family of six, you need all the help you can get. Fix the things that really matter instead.
Boys don't care if their rooms are clean. This speaks for itself. I'm sure most would agree too. As long as it's presentable when company comes over, I'm happy.
Don't force your child to respect you. It probably won't work. They should respect you because they love you. I think we struggle with this one at times. Sometimes kids are emotional basketcases, and sometimes when they are like that all you want to do is ignore them. Those are the times that you need to love on them the most. More often than not, when we have a loving response to one of our kid's outbursts, it ends good. The more we treat our kids with respect, the more they reciprocate. Love, love, love them.
Last, and by far the most important, pray for them. Prayer is the best gift you can give your child. We may be their earthly parents, but their Heavenly Father loves them more than we could ever imagine. Sometimes, as parents, we don't have all of the answers. That's ok because God does. He wants us to seek Him for guidance. I think sometimes we forget about that. Especially when everything is going good. We need to seek Him for guidance in the good times as well as the bad.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Seriously, what smells?
So, when I started this blog, I really didn't think that I would have funny stories to share right away. Boy was I wrong. For the last several days, Casey and I have been smelling this strange smell in the fireplace room. For those of you that have been to our house, the fireplace room, as we call it, is also our main toy room. I seriously hate to sound gross, but this smell smelled like a dirty diaper. Well, with one in diapers and one potty training that's not an unusual smell in our house. Hahahaha! It started out as a faint smell, but grew worse. We were literally looking everywhere for the source. We checked in the play kitchen, in the toy bins, under the desk, behind the toy boxes! We checked everywhere. We even bent down and sniffed the carpet! It got to the point where we just laughed at each other and how crazy we looked smelling things. Well, tonight Noah spilled a bucket of small action figures on the floor in that same room. I rushed down to pick them up because I didn't want Stella to get ahold of them. Low and behold, the smell where I was at was horrendous! I thought it was Noah, but he was naked. I know that sounds bad, but he just doesn't like clothes. He runs around in just undies most of the day. Well, I began my sniffing again, and sure enough a big, and I mean very big, bucket of duplos was definitely where the stench was coming from. I decided it would be best to dump the bucket out and just go through all of the duplos to find what I assumed to be a diaper. How the diaper would've got in there was beyond me, but with my children nothing is impossible. It turns out that the smell was not a dirty diaper, but vomit! Yes, you read that right! Who was at fault??? Stella! She always plays in the duplo bucket. She loves to climb in it and sit in there. The worst part about this is the fact that I found the vomit when I tipped over the bucket, so of course it all came out on top of the duplos when I did that. Needless to say, now we have a sink with duplos soaking in soapy hot water. I have come to the conclusion that all of my kids are going to go easy on me as teenagers because they insist on pulling these crazy stunts as little ones. Seriously, does anybody else ever experience things like this?
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
What am I getting myself into?
Seriously, why am I writing a blog? Well, people have been telling me to write a blog about my family for some time now. Apparently my life, and the shenanigans that my children pull, are quite comical to those who don't live with us. Well, here it goes. I am new at this, so if you have any advice for me feel free to share.
So a lot has been going on in the last five days. Caleb's first day of pre-k and Isaac's first day of sixth grade was last Thursday. Let me tell ya, I think I was more nervous than Caleb was on his first day of school. Caleb is a child that doesn't like a whole lot of change. He's a picky eater, and he gets nervous around large groups of people. I thought to myself that if anything went wrong on that first day, I would probably end up home schooling the child. Turns out, he did great! I fretted the whole day...figures. I think that is typical. Here's what the first day of school at St. Rose looked like.
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Yes, I am aware that Noah is wearing a bike helmet. He had to wear it to school that morning too. I am not sure why, but he's just a funny kid like that. |
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Caleb's a little nervous. Can ya tell? |
It turns out that the Saturday after school started was my ten year class reunion. Ten years already! WOW! It doesn't seem possible. About half of my classmates showed up for a dinner cruise on the American Lady. Pretty neat. It would've been better if it weren't so rainy.
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BHS class of 2001 |
Yes, this is half of my graduating class, and NO, we didn't go to a private school. This is what your graduating class looks like when you grow up in a town of 898 people. I actually loved it. These people will always be special to me.
After the dinner cruise, we all headed back to Benton to catch a "party bus" that was waiting for us. Originally, I had no desire to go on the bus, but as the night progressed, I decided what the heck, I only see these people every five years. Well, here's what a nearly thirty-year-old non-drinker looks like at the clubs.
I guess I needed that experience to realize that hard liquor and Joy do NOT mix! Ok, I'll stick to wine. Love you, Bri! This is a great picture of you. Bahahahaha! Anywoo, Monday was Labor Day fun in good old Benton, and today was back to school. Of course, as I was creating this blog Caleb yelled from the kitchen,"Mom, Noah painted his face!" Shocker...not really. Well, I better go clean up that mess before my husband gets home from work and wonders what I did all day. Pics of painted face Noah to come next time around.
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